Taken from: https://www.labrujulaverde.com/2015/05/6-cosas-deberias-saber-sobre-escritura-cuneiforme
DESCRIPTION: Cuneiform writing is the oldest writing system known to date. Its support is clay tablets and occasionally metal and stone tablets, and its origin is in ancient Mesopotamia. It is called cuneiform because to transfer it to the wet clay they used bevelled wedge-shaped rods.

taken from: https://antiguascivilizaciones.com/historia-mesopotamia/top-11-inventos-descubrimientos-mesopotamia/
ancient astrology mesopotamia
The concept of astrology was developed during the Sumerian period, where even everyday incidents had spiritual significance. It was believed that everything good and bad happened for a reason.
The astrologers were in charge of observing the momentary location of the planets and advising people with high social or political positions. Astronomical mythology, like the concept of a constellation of Capricorn, Leo and Sagittarius, was handed over to the Greeks by Sumerians and Babylonians.
The constellations were also used in day-to-day activities. They were widely used to mark the seasons to harvest or sow. They also mapped the movement of the sky, the sun, the stars and the
take from:https://antiguascivilizaciones.com/historia-m

Taken from:https://www.history.com/topics/ancient-history/hammurabi
all of southern Mesopotamia. The Hammurabi code of laws, a collection of 282 rules.The Code of Hammurabi was one of the earliest and most complete written legal codes and was proclaimed by the Babylonian king Hammurabi, who reigned from 1792 to 1750 B.C. Hammurabi expanded the city-state of Babylon along the Euphrates River to unite.
Taken from:the images can is subjects a right of author:
Mesopotamians developed the concept of time, dividing time units into 60 parts,which finally took 60 minutes.
Of the 30,000 tablets collected in the Asurbanipal library discovered in Nineveh by Austen Henry Layarde in 1841, some 800 are dedicated to medicine. Among them we find a summary tablet of about 4,000 years ago, the first medical prescription in history, in which a dozen natural remedies are described, without magic, without spells. This discovery has served to intuit the practice of medicine in the Mesopotamian civilization, a medicine that nevertheless would never reach the category of its neighbors, the Egyptians.
In 3000-2000 a. C. they thought that illnesses (shêrtu) could not be caused directly by the gods - these had created man to work for them not being logical to punish them with evils that depleted them. The culprits were none other than an army of up to 6,000 demons, willing to provoke pests, fevers, abortions and epidemics, which would punish men for their sins.
First the sick ordered the demons to leave the body:
There were two specialists who complemented each other at the time of healing: the ace and the âshipu. The first prescribed the treatments to heal physical and emotional ills - the doctor himself would be - while the second dealt with diseases considered supernatural, something like a magician or exorcist.
The purpose of the treatment was none other than to expel the malignant agents from the body and to achieve this they had to act together, but in different phases, the asû and the âshipu.
“Get out of my body, get away from my body, get away from my body, run away from my body, don't go back to my body, let your perversities rise to heaven like smoke!

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